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Track You Complaint

चिंता व्यक्त करने के लिए निर्देश पढ़ें

Applicant Needs To Provide His/her Complaint Id To Track Complaint Form.
शिकायत प्रपत्र को ट्रैक करने के लिए आवेदक को अपनी शिकायत आईडी प्रदान करनी होगी

Applicants Need To Fill Complaint Id In The Application And Then Click On The Submit Track Button.
आवेदकों को आवेदन की शिकायत आईडी भरनी होगी और फिर सबमिट ट्रैक बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा।


You must normally follow a specific procedure, which may change based on the organization or platform where you lodged your complaint, in order to monitor a complaint using a complaint tracking form. The general procedures are as follows:

Receive a Complaint Reference Number: When you initially submit a complaint, the organization or entity should provide you with a unique reference number. This number is crucial for tracking your complaint.

Access the Tracking System: Visit the business's website or online service where you lodged the complaint. Locate the "Customer Service" or "Complaints" area.

Enter Your Information: In the complaint tracking section, you will usually be asked to enter some information to access the status of your complaint. This may include:

➧Your complaint reference number
➧Your contact information (e.g., email address, phone number)
➧Any other relevant details the organization may require

Submit the Information: To access the status of your complaint after providing the necessary information, click the "Submit" or "Search" button.

Review Complaint Status: You should be able to view the progress of your complaint once you've submitted your information. Its openness, progress, or resolution may be indicated by this status.

View Details: You can view specific information about your complaint, including the date it was filed, any modifications, and any measures the company took to address it, in addition to the status.

Contact Customer Support: If you have questions or concerns about the status or resolution of your complaint, you can often find contact information for customer support within the tracking system. Use this information to reach out for further assistance.

Follow-Up: If your complaint is not being addressed to your satisfaction or remains unresolved, continue to follow up through the tracking system or by contacting customer support. If required, add more information or supporting documentation.

Be Patient: Depending on the complexity of the complaint and the organization's procedures, it may take some time for your issue to be resolved. Be patient and persistent in your follow-ups.